Why the Bible? Why the KJV?

(click below for a short Introduction video!)


from a Christian Science Perspective

It is not uncommon for individuals to overlook delving into the context of the Bible, and search for the answers to why it is relevant in our modern lives.


Consequently, when questioned about its importance, many folks find themselves at a loss to provide a comprehensive response.


Never be caught off guard again with the question:
"Why the Bible? Why study the King James Version?"


With our online course, you'll gain the tools and knowledge to confidently address these inquiries to further a productive discussion with any age. Explore the significance of what constitutes the Bible, uncovering its relevance and impact on our modern lives and deepening our spiritual understanding with its relationship to Christian Science. We will delve deeper into the debate over the King James Version and why it might be particularly still valuable in not only addressing its historical significance but also the translation discrepancies that continue to be a hot topic within the Christian and academic communities.

Join us as we explore the Bible from a modern context, asking ourselves the questions if we should we still care to educate ourselves on the Bible? and if so, why would it be significant from a Christian Science perspective?

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  • Have you or any of your friends ever questioned the significance of the Bible in contemporary life?

  • Do you frequently find yourself grappling with how to articulate the relevance of the King James Version when faced with inquiries?

  • Do you simply adhere to Mrs. Eddy's directive to read the KJV without fully grasping the rationale behind it?



What if you never doubted again the arguments for the importance of the Bible?


What if you felt confident about knowing the context and historical significance of the Bible?


What if you were excited to meet folks that challenged you about the King James Version, engaging in dynamic conversations that allowed both sides to decide for themselves? 



This is exactly why we created this eCourse. 



Over 20 years ago, I was like you and many friends who grew up in Christian Science but then in my 20's started to question everything about my life. In those many years of searching, I personally had all of these questions & arguments:

  •  “It’s boring”
  •  “Learning it has nothing to do with my life today”
  •  “So many people take the Bible literally and it doesn’t make any sense”
  •  “I don’t see how basing my life around fiction does any good”
  •  “I can’t believe people think any part of the Bible is “truth”
  •  “So many people I know just believe the Bible through ‘faith’ without logically having anything to back up their arguments
  •  “Stories supposed to happen 5,000 years ago? Again, why do we care?”
  •  “It’s all a bunch of Jewish history”
  •  “We don’t even know if Jesus was a real person”
  •  “The Bible we know today is so tainted with political agendas and on top of that multiple translations, it’s not even original texts!”
  •  “There are so many unknowns about who wrote what, when, how do we even know anything for sure?”
  •  “Can we even trust any accounts of ‘Jesus’ in the NT? They were written 30 years after his ‘resurrection’ and why only those 4 Gospels?”
  •  “How do we know that the King James Version is the "best English version?"


It wasn't until I finally accepted that I needed to stop listening to others and research for myself that I found the answers I was seeking.


Now, I'm sharing my research with you


Come join us!


Hello! My name is Katy Neale and I'm the daughter of Kathy Merrill. I envisioned this eCourse after a couple of months ago, I polled some of my friends who are Sunday School teachers with the question, "What are you struggling most with in Sunday School classes?"

The answer came back quickly! "I constantly struggle with students asking why we keep opening the Bible and quoting from it! They get so bored and I don't feel confident I can answer them even though I know the Bible is important to me and my life!"

Ah! I did the same thing over a decade ago! And that's when I decided it might be worth sharing the research I did with those of us who have the same important questions.

So if this resonates with you, we'd love for you to join us!


However, just to be clear, I am not . . . 

  • an expert, (and I don't pretend to be)

  • a theologian or an academic

  • trying to argue with you in the course on why you "should" believe me or believe the Bible

  • nor do I have any interest in convincing you to only use the King James

  • sharing it for my own ego

  • claiming that I know everything there is to know about translations or how the Bible came to be

  • only acknowledging Christianity as the only way

  • arguing to never use any other translations (including modern ones) of the Bible

  • claiming this course is 100% accurate


But through this eCourse I am . . . 

  • educating you that you are not alone in questioning the importance of the Bible & how relevant it is in our lives
  • hoping to share with you the historical context around the making of the Bible, so you can understand why it has always been a very complex mix of political & religious constructs against personal & individual freedoms to choose how to worship God

  • how the modern debate of "King-James Onlyism" is still relevant in Christian communities especially in the US so that you can choose what makes sense for you

  • wanting to share my research with you in hopes it will help give you information you can feel confident in intelligently encourage discussions around the Bible

  • positioning why understanding the "source" or original intentions of all translations is crucial to interpret with those biases in mind

  • encouraging you to embrace knowledge and not accept everyone else's opinions on why not the Bible, or KJV, the freedom to decide is my goal

  • educating you on why Mrs. Eddy's favorite Bible was the King James Version

  • Sharing over 400+ hours (20 videos) on our Research + over 100 Resource handouts, articles & links to support your continued research


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What's included?

Module 1

Our first module opens with asking ourselves all the questions that we are facing together about the Bible, is it important to our modern lives, and if so, why? We review what skeptics and critics say about the Bible. We also look at what many famous people say about the Bible, and why they are advocates for the Bible. We also explore the well-known author, C.S. Lewis, following his lifelong journey through his personal and intellectual discourse on the existence of God and importance of the Bible. He was a self proclaimed atheist turned convert.

Module 2

Module 2 delves into the origins of the Bible, its creation process, and the significance of various translations necessary for comprehending its context and history. Additionally, we delve deeper into the historical backdrop of the Reformation, exploring the pivotal figures who spearheaded reform within the Church, thereby reshaping the political and religious landscape of Europe indefinitely. Understanding these historical underpinnings is essential for engaging in informed discussions about the Bible, as the debates and discourses of that era continue to resonate in our modern context.

Module 3

In the third module, we embark on a deeper exploration of the historical and political backdrop surrounding the creation of the King James Version. We delve into the prominent figures preceding and following its publication, highlighting the turbulence of the era and its profound impact on reshaping the European landscape for generations to come. Additionally, we examine a little-known movement known as the "Pre-Reformers" or "the Waldensians," whose relevance is crucial to grasp as it directly connects to the ongoing debate regarding the preference for the King James Version over other modern translations.

Module 4

In the fourth module, we delve into "The Debate" that has persisted for centuries but has recently intensified due to the proliferation of modern translations of the Bible. Understanding the context is crucial, including identifying groups in the US that advocate against the King James Version (KJV) and those that staunchly defend it. To engage meaningfully in contemporary discussions, we must examine the facts—such as actual omissions or alterations of original words in texts, driven by certain biases or catering to modern audiences. Whether or not you agree with these perspectives, it's essential to recognize the intentions behind modern translations and their biases, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Module 5

Now that we have grasped the fundamental high-level context of the Bible and the King James Version within the modern debate, we can shift our focus to Mary Baker Eddy and ask, does she "insist" that Christian Scientists should exclusively study the King James Version? What are the facts?  What does she actually say about the importance of the Scriptures and how we should study them? Regardless of your personal beliefs, our aim is to integrate her writings into this ongoing conversation, allowing you to make your own informed conclusions.


How does this work?

Online Course Dates

Wednesday, May 15th - Course Launches & Module 1 Opens

Wednesday, May 22nd - Module 2 Opens

Wednesday, May 29th - Module 3 Opens

Wednesday, June 5th - Module 4 Opens

Wednesday, June 12th - Module 5 Opens


We are launching this online course "LIVE" together! The online course will open on Wednesday, May 15th.
Once purchased, you will be able to go into the course platform and watch the introduction and get a layout of the forum etc.

The first module will be "launched" Wednesday May 15th.  However, all module presentations are recorded
so you can access them at any time when it's convenient to you.

Then every following Wednesday, the next module will open until the course ends in June.

We hope this method will allow for questions and discussions happening "live" in our forum platform. We are excited to provide you with a more immediate online experience (similar to a real classroom but still as much "self-paced" as possible). We hope that this will provide opportunities to create study groups around themes of your choice and spark discussions that inspire further study.  

If you miss a week or two, not to worry, all the modules will be up forever
(presentations are all recorded & slides are in PDF format to download if you desire) -
you can always come back whenever it's convenient to review them.

What's Included?

  • Over 400+ hours of presentations (20 recorded videos)

  • All presentation slides available as PDF's to download

  • Over 100+ Resource articles, handouts & links to further your personal Research

  • Forum included to post questions & faciliate discussions

  • 24/7 access (once modules are published)

  • Lifetime access




Who are We?

Katy Neale

My name is Katy Neale, and I'm the daughter of Kathy Merrill. I am also a graduate of Principia College with a degree in art and minor in graphic design. I have a master’s degree in Painting form Eastern Illinois University and a Master of Fine Arts from Washington University in St. Louis. My professional life has spanned graphic design, web design, marketing and branding, online content development, photography, videography and User Experience. I'm also a professional painter (artist).

My recent work experience includes being a UX/UI Design Lead for Superlative Technologies, where are working on the CAMPS Inc. 1 mobility planning application for the 618th AOC at Scott Air Force Base.

A decade before my work as a UX Designer, I spent about eight years working for my aunt at Biblos Foundation helping to provide relevant Bible content online through courses, workshops and talks.

I love learning and research and history. I almost became a History major with minor in Art History. I've traveled with my mom and my aunt to Israel three times in my life and I love sharing what I've learned.

Along with my current full-time job, I help my mom with her CS Bible Insights website. We are planning more online courses for 2024!







Kathy Merrill

My name is Kathy Christian Merrill and I am a graduate of Principia College with a degree in sociology and elementary education. I have a master’s degree in education from Arizona State University. I have taught various grade levels (K-6th grade) for over 26 years - the last 13 out of the 26 at Principia Lower School in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1998, I retired to work as the Campus Promotions Director at Principia College for two years, and then from 2000-2010 as a Resident Counselor in a dorm at the College.

Around 2015, I was rehired by The Principia School as a Bible Educator and enjoyed this position for two years, helping to “encourage deeper Bible study with adults and to help parents work with their children on teaching the Scriptures to them at home.” This is when I started my blog, www.csbibleinsights.com with the intent to share ideas about Bible study to anyone who was interested.

The blog evolved into helping adults and kids dive deeper into the weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson where I share research and ideas on the stories and lessons each week. 

Now, with the help of my daughter, I am supported by my blog with the continued focus on sharing deeper insights on the Christian Science Weekly Lesson Sermon but also to share ideas to help encourage a deeper individual Bible study. 

Throughout my extensive teaching experience and as a passionate Bible educator, the one thing I have loved the most is sharing my love for the Bible and connecting it to Mrs. Eddy's writings. Over the past 40 years, I have given over 600 Bible workshops nationwide for Principia Clubs, Principia Summer Session courses, individual Christian Science churches, schools, and nursing homes. I feel very blessed to have unique opportunities to share my love for the Bible, and my hope is that you learn to love the Bible as much as I do.


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How do I access this online course?

Once you purchase, you will immediately receive an email with login information and instructions on how to access each module.

How long is the online course?

The online course will start Wednesday, May 15th in which the first module will be posted for access. We will continue to post every Wednesday the next module for 5 weeks.

How long do I have access to it?

For as long as you want. Right now, access is unlimited. You do not have to take the course along with us "live," all content is recorded for easy access when it's most convenient for you. 

Is this all online only?

Yes all the videos and materials are online and accessible through our online course platform. We do have PDF's of all the presentations as well as several handouts if you so wish to download them for your personal use.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the digital nature of the product, we do not offer refunds at this time.

Can I pay by cash or check?

Unfortunately again, due to the digital nature of the product, we can only accept credit cards at this time.


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"How to's" Tutorials:

Watch any of these 3 videos below to get a sense of how this works and how to purchase.

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How to Purchase this new Course

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How to Login & What to Expect in the Course

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How to Sign up for our FREE Online Community (FORUM)